Tomo-chan is a Girl! by Fumita Yanagida has emerged as one of the most celebrated rom-com anime series of 2023, beloved by both anime and non-anime fans. The series has gained a lot of notoriety over the years thanks to its outstanding protagonist, supporting cast, plot, theme songs, and other elements. On MyAnimeList and IMDB, the series has ratings of 7.64 and 7.5, respectively. Fans of the series, who have grown very connected to Tomo-chan is a Girl!, its characters, and its rom-com charm, are anticipating the series to inspire a second episode due to the series’ surprisingly positive reception. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that Tomo-chan is a Girl! season 2 will never air, so fans shouldn’t get their hopes up for a sequel.
“Major spoilers from the manga in further topics.”
There aren’t many chapters left from Manga to cover
Tomo-chan is a Girl!’s chapters were collected by Kodansha into eight tankobon volumes, each with 45 chapters. Before the publication of Volume 8 of the series, which was initially set for September 12, 2019, Fumita Yanagida, the series’ original author, addressed fans on September 25, 2018, stating that the eighth book would signify the series’ end. With his official Twitter account, Fumita announced the news, however, he later removed it for an unclear reason. Jenn O’Donnell, a former manga/anime translator, also shared the news on her official Twitter account, @JENTranslations.
Season 2 of the series is unlikely to be renewed due to a shortage of source material. The primary couple of Tomo-chan is a Girl!, Junichirou, and Tomo, who ended up together after a lengthy string of romantic adventures, completing the plot that the series was originally focused on. However in certain manga series, such as Clannad, Itazura na Kiss, Love Hina, Nazo no Kanojo X, Bakemonogatari, and others, the plot goes on even after the lead characters start dating. Nevertheless, neither the series’ author nor any indication that the plot will be continued has been made public.
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The Official Cast and Where To Watch Anime
The Da Vinci and streaming site Niconico’s Next Manga Award went to Fumita Yanagida’s Tomo-chan is a Girl! in 2016, leaving Tsuzui’s Fujoshi no Tsuzui-san behind. Fans of the series will miss their favorite characters after the series end. Fans can still rewatch the show on Crunchyroll, the only anime streaming service that offers it only to viewers outside of Japan.
- Tatsumi Tanabe – Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
- Kousuke Misaki – Kouhei Amasaki
- Akemi Aizawa – Kumiko Watanabe
- Gorou Aizawa – Kenji Nomura
- Carol Olston – Sally Amaki
- Misuzu Gundou – Rina Hidaka
- Tomo Aizawa – Rie Takahashi
- Junichirou Kubota – Kaito Ishikawa
Tomo-chan is a Girl!’s English publisher, Seven Seas Entertainment, explains the plot as follows:
“Aizawa Tomo, a boyish high school student, finally succeeds in telling Jun, a lifelong friend, that she has a crush on him. Sadly, her admission completely escapes his notice—Jun still views her as a dude even though he didn’t understand she was a girl until junior high! How is Tomo-chan going to change his mind and win Jun over?”
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